UnaSource Surgery Center utilizes a program that is aimed at improving your recovery from total joint replacement and spinal surgeries.
The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program includes thorough preoperative education regarding our program, nutrition, infection prevention, early mobilization, and home readiness to promote a safe and successful recovery. It encourages the patient to be an active participant in their own care and advocates that each patient experience the best possible care enabling them to return to their normal level of activity as soon as possible.
ERAS Basics
- All patients receive a call from one of our orthopedic coordinator nurses to welcome you to our program, review your health history, and answer your questions. You’ll be directed to our website, which contains a variety of educational guides and videos aimed at preparing you and your support person(s) for both the surgery and the recovery.
- Good nutrition and hydration are encouraged in the weeks leading up to the surgery. We recommend drinking a carb-rich clear liquid 3 hours prior to your scheduled arrival time. Examples include 100% no added sugar white grape juice, hydration beverages like Gatorade, or Ensure Pre-surgery Clear beverage.
- Staying healthy prior to your surgery and during your recovery is very important. Showering with an antibacterial skin cleanser in the days leading up to the surgery and preparing newly cleaned bed sheets, towels, and clothes are just a few recommendations to promote a successful outcome.
- Movement is vital to your health and to your recovery. Before being discharged, we provide instructions on how to move safely, how to get into and out of a car, and how to use stairs so that you will feel comfortable and ready for discharge.
- A home safety review is important for a safe discharge and recovery after surgery. This includes the presence of stairs, pets, rugs, and obstacle-free pathways to the restroom and kitchen. Loose-fitting clothes and sturdy, closed-heel shoes are important to move safety both at the surgery center and at home.
Your success is our success!
Follow the links to learn more about UnaSource Surgery Center’s Total Knee Replacement, Total Shoulder Replacement, Total Hip Replacement, and/or Spine Surgery programs.